Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Senate Meeting in Former Post Office: Does that Provide Hope or Not?

Due to concerns about the structural integrety of the Capitol building, the Senate will be meeting in the Post Office Square Building today.  The building was the former main post office and mail processing facility in Washington, DC and now holds federal offices and the National Postal Museum. 

Unfortionately, the meeting is only a pro-forma session and only two Senators will be in attendance, Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and another Senator who either lives in the area or just happens to be in town.   It is too bad the whole Senate could not meet there and then take the short trip down an escalator where they could learn something about the Postal Service before they let the politics of the day overwhelm decent policymaking.

For More information click on this link: the Smithsonian Institution National Postal Museum

Pictures from the National Postal Museum

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